vision simulator


Experience the effects of astigmatism,
myopia, presbyopia and hyperopia with
our Vision Simulator.

Get Started Vision Simulator Vision Simulator
Experience the effects of astigmatism, myopia, presbyopia and hyperopia with our Vision Simulator which can be corrected using contact lenses or glasses.

Best Selling Contact Lenses at Feel Good Contacts


Myopia (short/nearsightedness) is a common eye condition which causes objects in the distance to appear blurry, while close objects appear clear and in focusclick to read more. Myopia can be mild and require no treatment or it can be severe and affect a person’s vision significantly. Take a look at our Eye Care Hub to find out more about myopia.

Best contact lenses for Myopia

Presbyopia is the normal change to our vision as we age. It results in the loss of your ability to focus on objects that are near and causes them to appear blurryclick to read more. Most people notice the effects of presbyopia once they hit above the age of 40. It can prevent people from reading small print clearly. Take a look at our Eye Care Hub to find out more about presbyopia.

Best contact lenses for Presbyopia

Hyperopia (long/far-sightedness) is a common vision problem which affects a person’s ability to see objects nearby, causing them to appear blurry whilst objects in the distance appear clearclick to read more. This vision problem can affect people of all ages including children and babies. Take a look at our Eye Care Hub to find out more about hyperopia.

Best contact lenses for Hyperopia
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